Friday, April 27, 2007


creating a custom google search sure narrows down the wide-wide-web. certainly a useful thing when you don't want to be inundated with info. it's nice when you know what sites generate the most useful info for whatever topic you're searching, but i ended up having to do a regular google search just to find sites to even put in the custom search engine...not that it was so obscure--wine and cowboy bebop and such things.

having a library search engine makes sense so that we can see what's what at other libraries, keep up with what they're doing, get new ideas, etc. makes sense for anyone wanting to keep up on info about their favorite subjects, really. search-yo!

this is the bebop roll:, and the wine stuff:

Saturday, April 21, 2007

generating what?

this was fun! i would have posted a simpson's one of myself, but there wasn't as much variety, and i couldn't get myself to look as sexy as i really am.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


the book lover wiki seems like a neat community. might be a neat thing to have on our website, as one of our databases, where people can search types of books they might be interested in reading, and read reviews on them.

not sure i like how wikis, for the most part, lack the pizazz and flash of other websites. i have to admit that while i was searching through some of the, i just clicked through without really remembering what i did. it's nice that people can make these websites without having to learn html, but i guess i'm superficial in that i need eye candy to attract me. they prorbably appeal to someone with a better attention span.

Monday, April 2, 2007

it's a library thang

i can really get into the library thing, although it's kind of a pain going to my bookshelf to see what books i have, then going into the bedroom to enter the titles. i spent almost an hour trying to enter my books in, and i still don't have them all. some of them i don't even want to enter because i'm not sure i want people knowing i actually read that kind of stuff.

anyway, i liked seeing how many people had the same titles as me, but it was more interesting when only a handful of people had the same title. (i like to think i'm not one of the masses.) still, even that can be deceptive because each one has a specific publisher/year, etc., and if you're one of the types who likes to claim to have the hardcover 1st edition of some fabulously rare prize, then it must be infuriating that people like me just choose that particular book because it was the one with the closest year of publication.

also, it seems impossible to put tags on all those books. i put a few, but i think they seem pretty sparse. i would have liked to put more for each one, but that would have taken forever.

anyway, here's the link to my library thing: