Tuesday, March 20, 2007

myspace, among other things

i remember the days of myspace, when i had an account and thought it was really cool to post weird pix of myself and get added on as a "friend" of people i'd never met. seems so long ago now. but then it started to get annoying, the idea of this whole community of people who were really just "collectors" of other peoples profiles just seemed ridiculous.

that said, i don't know how successful kcls's myspace launch has been, as far as "collecting" the teens that it seeks, especially now that myspace isn't quite the hot ticket anymore with the advent of facebook. it was interesting that in the podcast, dawn mentioned that she got more response from authors than teens, which really makes sense. not to be down on the teens these days (i've got one of my own) but i would imagine that they'd be more interested in scoping out their peers than the library's profile. i understand the idea behind getting out there where our patrons are, but if the main target is the teens, i wouldn't hold my breath. but who knows, i could be wrong. wouldn't be the first time.

facebook and second life are new to me, so i don't have much to say about them, but with the library extending its reach into these various communities, i'm sure it's interesting to the older (and i use the term loosely too include those who have only recently left their teen years) folks who inhabit these communities. it's a good vehicle to get out there anyway.

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