Monday, March 12, 2007

what the...

snow caught on branches
Originally uploaded by mutantgirl13.
i only say this because it took a heck of a long time to get through this lesson. i don't know why i couldn't blog this pic through blogger and had to go through all the hassle of figuring it out through flickr, but i did--with outside help of course. i don't know if i could have done it without other people, and i guess that's what's so frustrating, bec i'm generally the type of person who likes to do things without help from other people. i know that the point of all this is to be have fun, and that it's ok to ask other people, but i just was thinking that i was savvy enough to get through at least this much by myself. it's not like i've never blogged before, or that i've never uploaded pix before. i guess my whole experience this lesson was soured because i forgot what my user name and password were, and it seemed to take me forever to get past that initial stage that i felt like a total idiot. ugh!!!

hopefully i'll get through the next lesson with less frustration and more fun. in any case, look at the pretty picture.

oh, and what's with the sun coming out today? i thought we were supposed to be having a stormy week? i sure do miss the snow.

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