Thursday, May 10, 2007

the 26th thing sans 27th

i really enjoyed this whole project. i think i might even be sad once we're done. MIGHT. i feel like i've seen so much now. when i used to think of the web, i generally thought of it as a place to go for information. places like myspace, and the idea of "communities" very rarely popped into my mind, which is weird, considering i used to be a member so many years ago. how could i have been so blind?

i admit, i prob won't use a lot of the things we've explored, but it's great that they're out there. mad props once again to the folks who found it necessary to create word processing/spreadsheets so we could bypass microsoft if need be!

my most loathed 2.0 experience was reading the articles abt icebergs and such. snooze. sorry, i suppose they were informative, but what fun is that? which brings me to another point--the fun. not that it wasn't, because i certainly can find fun in researching gardening in the pacific northwest, and cataloging my books, but maybe it was a bit much to expect us to be able to do these lessons at work. one thing our cluster did was have a "cram jam" where we gathered at a group of computers in the library so we could get help if we needed it. we spent two hours just working on learning 2.0. that was fun, albeit, independent fun since we didn't interact all that much...too much reading and exploring to get through.

good incentive to get us to do all this. i'm sure lots of people have mp3 players. not me, though, so thanks. i'd certainly do it all again. i'm sorry that i can't suggest anything for the 27th thing. there was so much i didn't know before this, so much that you guys presented, way too much that is out there, that i really have no idea what i could add. really. if you're thinking of adding a 28th thing, you should just consider removing the icebergs part (sorry) and keeping it to 27 things. that was plenty.

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