Monday, May 7, 2007

biblioteca 2.0

so we were asked to read just three of those articles, but i have to say that i must be an idiot because i couldn't really grasp what i was reading. maybe it has to do with the fact that i'm trying to get this done at the same time as i'm answering the phone and backing up the person on the circ desk. i think it's going on two weeks that i've been reading these articles, and i just can't seem to make it stick.

the icebergs guy was the one that i understood the most, prob bec i didn't agree with him. he made it seem like we were stuck in the dark ages, but maybe he deals with different libraries that don't get the funding that would allow them the types of privileges that kcls gets. believe me, i know what that's like, coming from long beach, ca where they were cutting open hours, where you have to pay to check out cd's and dvd's, where you have a 20 item limit. not good.

anyhoo, i thought he was full of it when he said that having a library collection will soon be part of a bygone era. i for one, am one of the types who appreciates the physical contact with a good book. and then the idea that we should eliminate the barriers that patrons encounter when they do their research--how many times have i helped a patron who just likes to have someone to talk to and is content to have me "do the work for them?"

in dr. schultz's article, she pretty much says similar things i.e. the where the future of libraries will go, but she was a little more easy to take. maybe because she says that each successive progression will not be eliminated (as what iceberg's guy seemed to say), but rather, "absorbed." incorporated, if you will.

then in the article about more powerful ways to communicate, that really seems to bring together what we've been learning about these past few weeks i.e. innovation, technology, etc. libraries of course want to keep pace with the rest of the world in order for them to service their patrons better. it's an absolute must. hopefully i'll be able to keep up, too.

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