Wednesday, May 9, 2007

youtube is a fun thing to play with when you have time. i embedded the intro credits to the cowboy bebop carton which has fantastic music. so catchy. luckily i had someone next to me who knew how to do this so it just took a second. otherwise i would have gotten really frustrated and upset and would have written a horrible blog dedicated to the lack of directions provided on youtube. then i prob would have been embarrassed because i'm sure it explains how to do it somewhere. i just wasn't looking hard enough.

as far as usefulness to kcls, i don't'll give you something to do during downtime at the desk? or maybe using it to post the backroom antics? just kidding. i wouldn't do that. posting storytimes certainly is a good idea though. i bet the kids would really provide a lot of entertainment for those searching the world of youtube.

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