Wednesday, May 9, 2007

adventure in disappointment

i chose one of the runner up websites at, which really has no useful purpose to kcls. i was simply interested in finding out my approximate worth. i could have done the same thing without signing up, but i just wanted to explore it...and now that i have, i must say that it sure would be nice to be a millionaire. not that i was expecting to be anywhere near that mark, but when you actually see yourself be reduced to mere numbers, it's a very humbling and humiliating experience.

in any case, the website offers more than a way to disappoint yourself. there is a way to generate a "badge" that displays your current net worth, and a chart (which seems ridiculous unless you have a lot of money and want to flaunt it), a page for tips (on how to increase your net worth), and a way to search other people in that community (i guess so you can try to hookup and find yourself a sugar daddy/momma.)

so there you have it.

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