Wednesday, May 9, 2007

the many faces of google

i never ceased to be amazed by this company. i wish i had bought their stock--not that i ever had the chance, or will any time soon considering what shares are going for. in any case, they certainly have some great minds working for them. really creative, although, some of the labs do have kind a "useless" feel to them. take for instance the music trends. i kind of expected it to link me to where i could hear the music. but i guess that's not what it's there for, i mean, it is just "trends" so it's pretty much just a list of songs, nothing more. maybe that's why i feel so gypped. why would i care what the rest of the world is listening to? and if that really is what they're listening to, then i don't think i'm missing much.

the accessible search didn't work at all. not really, anyway. i expected the text to be super huge on the screen, but the difference hardly seems significant. maybe that's why it's in the lab--they're not done playing with it yet. i can see how it might come in handy, though.

i only did one quick search on google scholar, and liked how it worked, but it could be frustrating how it links you to some journals where you have to pay for the article or else belong to an institution where they have a subscription so you can have access to it. i guess that's why if you were doing a more scholarly search, you would use the university's database. as a student it wouldn't be a problem anyway since you'd probably get free access to those journals anyway.

still. some interesting tools that they're coming up with.

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